Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Seriously, Do I LOOK Like I Have Time To Blog?

Guess what? There is supposed to be a recession going on and I am having a hard time believing it! While there has been an air of doom and gloom circulating in all the media, the reality is, that for us, business has been quite decent. I think the holiday sales are already in progress for us and my biggest worry, at this point, is that we will run out of supplies before we run out of customers!

Sort of kidding about that, but it is true that it has been a lot more difficult to procure many supplies this year. Chain that we normally don't have too many problems acquiring has been harder to find this year. I was told that the larger silver and gold-filled chain manufacturers had let employees go and cut way back on production because the economy was down and precious metal prices were up.

Vendors who usually carry some of our standard gemstones have run out and don't know when they will be able to restock them. Many vendors just aren't reordering because often they have to order in huge quantities and they are opting to sell out of what they have instead. I am finding that I can't always count on vendors I've used in the past and I have to spend a lot more time looking for new vendors who sell the same or similar items!

Of course, that means I get to go to more gem and jewelry shows too, which is always fun when it means I can get out of Utah for a few days. (Don't get me wrong, Utah is BEAUTIFUL, but I've never lived one place this long before and those mountain ranges begin to look like ominous walls on the huge rut I start to feel like I'm stuck in.) I get to visit friends and family when I go to gem shows in other states, so all the way around, it is a bonus for me that the economy stinks!

Meanwhile, our sales have increased and we have acquired more venues to sell through and increased the number of items we sell. We have done a lot of things right this last couple years and it is paying off in the form of consistent and increasing sales. Even in a recession, women will still reward themselves with small, affordable "luxury" purchases. A new necklace and earring set goes a long ways towards accenting last year's stale yet still stylish wardrobe. Fresh earrings and a bracelet are a more feasible than investing a lot of money in a whole new wardrobe.

This is the time of year my family thinks I become a poltergeist lost in some weird jewelry timewarp, furiously making jewelry and ordering supplies. Thank heavens for cell phones because sometimes they have to call me to see if I really do exist. They all lose about 10 pounds because there is no one to cook for them. If only I could purchase "Family Food" as easily as I can purchase "Dog Food", already in bite size pieces, ready to serve, 100% nutritionally complete! (You think I'm kidding? I plan to invent it soon, that will hopefully secure my "retirement".)

We all end up working a lot of overtime hours around here and pretty soon, I think we will need to clone all of us! Seriously, I'm wondering what I'm doing sitting here writing a blog when I should be online finding all the things we need! I think I need a jewelry angel looking out for me!

Holly Russell Godard

Director of Operations

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, you look great! And I happen to know that you have a secret desire to blog :)

