Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Charming Life Designs Gets a New Website

It's here and just in time for the holiday season. Going against all common sense, time, and energy, the stars happened to align in such a way that I was literally forced to respond quickly to our reality. As it turns out, the company that hosted our old website was purchased by Network Solutions and the old platform was soon to become obsolete. That basically left me with two options. Option One: Do nothing and hope for the best (translation: The whole site would automatically be shut down and we'd have to figure out how to patch it together at a later date). Option Two: Migrate to the new platform, design a new site, reorganize inventory, rewrite content pages, and deal with all the details that go along with a cybermove. I promise you, I really wanted to go with Option One. REALLY.

However, I didn't. After weeks of jumping through hoops and pushing hard to complete this project under Network Solutions insane design timeline, our new Charming Life Designs website has arrived. I have to admit, all of us at Charming Life are thrilled with our new online home. In the next few weeks and months, you'll continue to see changes, adjustments, and improvements as we settle in. We hope you'll stop by to check us out. Oh, comments are always welcome.



  1. Sorry Barb, this was such an inconvenience. But we are happy to see the new look and feel for Charming Life Designs, looks great! Please let us know if we can be of any further help by emailing


  2. Thanks Steve - We are very happy with the end result. Sometimes when it rains, it pours . . . . We should have migrated our site during the summer, when business was not heating up.
    That said, the designers at Network Solutions (, did a great job.
